Whether the start tag will be empty (i.e. terminated with "/>" so that there is no corresponding end tag).
import std.array : appender; auto writer = xmlWriter(appender!string()); writer.openStartTag("root", Newline.no); assert(writer.output.data == "<root"); writer.closeStartTag(); assert(writer.output.data == "<root>"); writer.openStartTag("foo"); assert(writer.output.data == "<root>\n" ~ " <foo"); writer.closeStartTag(EmptyTag.yes); assert(writer.output.data == "<root>\n" ~ " <foo/>"); writer.writeEndTag(); assert(writer.output.data == "<root>\n" ~ " <foo/>\n" ~ "</root>");
Writes the end of a start tag to the ouput range.
It is an error to call closeStartTag unless a start tag has been opened and not yet closed.