The exact instantiation of $(PHOBOS_REF Tuple, std, typecons) that attributes returns a range of.
Returns a lazy range of attributes for a start tag where each
attribute is represented as a
$(PHOBOS_REF_ALTTEXT Tuple, Tuple, std, typecons)!(
$(LREF2 SliceOfR, EntityRange), $(D_STRING "name"),
$(LREF2 SliceOfR, EntityRange), $(D_STRING "value"),
$(LREF TextPos), $(D_STRING "pos")).
Gives the name of this Entity.
The position in the the original text where the entity starts.
Returns the textual value of this Entity.
The EntityType for this Entity.
Represents an entity in the XML document.
Note that the type determines which properties can be used, and it can determine whether functions which an Entity or EntityRange is passed to are allowed to be called. Each function lists which EntityTypes are allowed, and it is an error to call them with any other EntityType.